Opinion: Star Wars and the ideas on the “Diversity Whiteboard”

Star Wars Theory & The Stupendous Wave discuss Star Wars and the "Diversity Whiteboard" in this clip of their YouTube Podcast.

I have some opinions to share on this recent video from the Star Wars Theory & The Stupendous Wave Podcast reacting to the Star Wars “Diversity Whiteboard.”
I do agree with the idea that characters don't necessarily need to look like me in order for me to enjoy/empathize with them. I've seen plenty of shows where characters look like me and plenty where they don't, it doesn't bug me either way.

Imagine if every movie/book/game had to cater EXACTLY to all the specific races that all of us can be (even in fictional worlds with all sorts of interesting races). That's a very difficult and specific goal that would be tough to do. It's not anti-representation.

Yes, before someone gets all up in arms about how "well some fans are racists!." That may be true, but that's not the majority of fans of any media. Star Wars, Mass Effect, and Star Trek are all about different people/races/aliens/robots working together to achieve a common goal through unity. It couldn't be more anti-racism.

A lot of what is on the board is nonsense and catch phrases like "surprise, feelings, humor, epic, mythic, scope."

Star Wars has a lot of the things this board pretends it doesn't have. Star Wars isn't pro war, it has diversity, characters are relatable, it's epic, it has humor, and it is authentic/lived in.

Star Wars was actually ANTI-Vietnam war. It's an allegory of both the Nazi empire and how empires like America battle Vietcong guerilla tactics in Vietnam. Imagine being so blind that you can't see that stuff. They don't shove our world and its politics down your throat or force you to believe an agenda. It is just there for those who want to take a deeper look and study/enjoy their media. There's a good story there and the allegory is buried within. THAT is how you can inject morals or even the philosophy/religion of "the force" into media. People watch Star Wars to escape from the real world and be immersed in the world of space battles, light sabers, the Jedi, the Sith, and the politics of a fictional world.

It's what is on the inside that makes each of us and our characters unique. Focus on the story, character arcs, The Hero's Journey. Doesn't matter if it is man/woman/alien. A good story/dialogue/writing wins every time.

Also Wall-E is a banger film where the main character doesn't speak, isn't a human, yet you can empathize with what Wall-E goes through. He goes through a full range of emotions and it is a lengthy and heartfelt film.

Rey and She-Hulk suffer from not having a character arc. She doesn't learn from mistakes, grow, train, and struggle to become more skilled. She just becomes magically better and instantly good at skills because an agenda is being pushed. Nobody, man or woman, is born amazing at wielding the force or managing their anger. It took Jedi and even the Hulk years to master their skills, when female counterparts are written to just magically be better and not go through a Hero's Journey.

I'm not hearing that either of these guys are sexist/racist like people online want you to think. Diversity is not a bad thing, it doesn't matter who the character is if the story is great.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments and remember to be respectful to everyone while sharing your opinion.


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