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Videogame, Comics, Marvel, Iron Man, Opinion Aaron Shack Videogame, Comics, Marvel, Iron Man, Opinion Aaron Shack

Opinion: Tony Stark made a moral choice, to be a hero.

Alright, let's talk comic books. Remember when Tony Stark realized the weapons of his company were bombing innocent people and ironically one lands near him? Remember what he did? We all praised him for that. Wow, he stood against war, against genocide, war profiteering, all of it.

He took his money and did something good with it. He realizes he can't be the sleazy playboy billionaire and ride off the success of his parents arms company. He builds the first suit. He became Iron Man. He stood against the very evils his company was built on. Sometimes he fights alongside America's interests, other times he doesn't want to be their puppet and admits he fights for what HE KNOWS is right.

Therefore, in sort of a fictional way, he's incorruptible.

He makes mistakes sure, he battles his ego, but he learns from every experience and grows from it.

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Videogame, Marvel, Marvel's Avengers, Avengers Aaron Shack Videogame, Marvel, Marvel's Avengers, Avengers Aaron Shack

Marvel’s Avengers erased from digital stores as Servers and Events will remain active

As September 2023 ends Crystal Dynamics’ live service videogame Marvel’s Avengers is deleted from online digital storefronts. While it is likely based on Embracer Group acquiring Crystal Dynamics from Square Enix and realizing this title was not generating enough revenue to cover Marvel’s character licensing fees, it is a solemn day to see any game removed from existence in such a way as this.

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Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will have even more Accessibility Features

Per a Insomniac Games post on the PlayStation Blog, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will not only have a robust set of Accessibility Features, but will introduce new ones in an effort to allow all players to enjoy the latest Spider-Man experience.

A few additions are: Challenge Level Modifiers, Gameplay Assists, Shortcuts, Game Speed, as well as Audio Frequency Controls. There are also features coming post launch such as Audio Descriptions, Screen Reader, and Captions coming in December 2023.

What do you think about the latest Accessibility Features coming to Spider-Man 2 and the leaps and bounds other games and developers have made in the accessibility space. Let me know in the comments!For more details, read the full blog post here.

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