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Opinion: You’re Not Asking the Right Question: Microsoft Exclusives going to other Platforms

Amid rumors that Microsoft Xbox exclusive titles Starfield, Hi-Fi Rush, and Indiana Jones: The Great Circle will come to other platforms like the PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch gamers and all of Twitter/X are rightfully confused as to what this means for Xbox, the industry, and exclusivity to platforms.

I don’t think we’re asking the right question here.

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Videogame, Comics, Marvel, Iron Man, Opinion Aaron Shack Videogame, Comics, Marvel, Iron Man, Opinion Aaron Shack

Opinion: Tony Stark made a moral choice, to be a hero.

Alright, let's talk comic books. Remember when Tony Stark realized the weapons of his company were bombing innocent people and ironically one lands near him? Remember what he did? We all praised him for that. Wow, he stood against war, against genocide, war profiteering, all of it.

He took his money and did something good with it. He realizes he can't be the sleazy playboy billionaire and ride off the success of his parents arms company. He builds the first suit. He became Iron Man. He stood against the very evils his company was built on. Sometimes he fights alongside America's interests, other times he doesn't want to be their puppet and admits he fights for what HE KNOWS is right.

Therefore, in sort of a fictional way, he's incorruptible.

He makes mistakes sure, he battles his ego, but he learns from every experience and grows from it.

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Videogame, Opinion Aaron Shack Videogame, Opinion Aaron Shack

Opinion: The Gaming “Journalism” & Review system is broken

I really dislike the hate reviews and hot takes that "game journalism" and content creation has fallen into. If everything is trash, then how do you know what's good? If you spend all your time being negative and playing games you don't like, are you even happy and fulfilled in life?

I definitely think we need a big change in the industry and some integrity. It's perfectly fine to be honest and critical, but there's no objectivity if everything is trash and you confuse your subjective opinion with objective truth and use your followers to push that narrative to further harass game developers and toxify the environment.

This is why I started my website to start posting Gaming News & Reviews. I want to change the way things are done. Maybe even just in my own corner of the internet. Review scores are dated and too subjective, aggregated review sites are easily corrupted and manipulated, review bombs can tank the overall score of even a great or a decent game. We’ve seen the recent stories about publications being bribed on Rotten Tomatoes to publish good/bad reviews for a payoff. Where is the journalistic integrity?

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