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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Campaign Review

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Campaign complete in about 8 hours. Very powerful in terms of story and narrative. The Campaign maintains the usual set piece action packed missions with Weapons Free missions throughout. The Weapons Free missions alter the pacing of the game and place the player in a boots on the ground situation where the choices of how to complete the objectives are left up to them.

To those familiar with the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Trilogy of the early 2000’s these newer entries are often branded as remakes, when they are actually more a reimagining, with modern graphics, controls, etc. The story took some twists and turns away from what people may expect, it is not a note for note take of the original trilogy.

The events of the game keep you on the edge of your seat, wanting to know what is going to happen next. Whether it is stopping a terrorist attack, chasing a global fugitive, infiltrating a secret base or defending a location from an onslaught of enemies. The pacing is brilliant and I never wanted to stop as each mission had a reason to be part of the story and wasn’t merely just a chance to have a shootout in a different locale.

The cutscenes could easily be a Call of Duty movie. It's well acted, voiced, and beautifully rendered with cutting edge graphics. There were several times where I thought I was watching a movie, from the photorealistic graphics, to the camera angles, and the well written dialogue. I would very much enjoy deeper narrative journeys in the Call of Duty universe.

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